Specialty store raised from Nakatsu using secret garlic sauce
仕込みには、24時間かけて丹念に『秘伝のにんにくダレ』に漬け込みじっくり肉に味を染み込ませます。冷凍肉や外国産の肉を一切使用せず「からあげ もり山」では天然素材にこだわり、安心・安全で新鮮な九州産生肉と国産キャノーラ油に使用し揚げおきは一切せずオーダーを受けてから真心を込めてお揚げしご提供いたします。“中津からあげ もり山のこだわり抜いた味”を、花畑店でぜひご賞味下さい。The charge, soaked the taste to carefully meat marinate in carefully "secret garlic sauce" over a period of 24 hours. Stick to frozen meat and without the use of any foreign production of meat, "fried chicken Mori Mountain" In natural materials, safe, secure, and fried every use in fresh Kyushu raw meat and domestic canola oil from the receipt of the order without any Shi fried you cordially offers.The "Nakatsu fried chicken Mori Mountain commitment pulled taste", please relish in the flower garden shop.